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About This Vendor

Is a Prime Creative Photographer and is also Considered as ONE of the UNIQUES in the Photo Industry, executes photoshoots by appointment (CREATIVE ASSASSINS FOR HIRE) Started manipulating digital images since 1998, loves images , designs and anything that concerns visual artistry. He never stopped learning, last July 2007 he decided to jump into Creative Photography and has been a Nominee in the "PHILIPPINE BLOG AWARDS 2009" Photo-Blog Category and he is the only Photographer in Cavite who was able to do the exclusive Photoshoot on "KARITON KLASRUM" & "EFREN PENAFLORIDA" before he won the 2009 CNN HERO title. With his well-versed skills in Creative Photography, the way he plays with strobes and available light and his Proportional & Realistic approach in Digital Framing Composite, LESTHA1 has managed to do Job Assignments outside the Philippines.

LESTHA1's passion for this line is old enough to produce "OUT OF THE BOX" images even if the photo shoot is done inside a STUDIO, or done in an INDOOR or OUTDOOR Perspective, Nowadays he is working on Overseas Projects for Foreign Clients, Weddings, Workshops and Partnerships that concerns Photography and Graphic Design.